Now, let me start this by saying I am NOT racist nor am I against interracial couples...I am a product of one. =) However, I don't know if this particular interracial couple is okay. Look, I'm not going to go all 'Waiting to Exhale' on you (shoutout to Whitney), but for some reason I can't seem to be able to relate to this. Ummmm....Kim Kardashian is beautiful. Reggie Bush is very handsome and is also guaping and they make an attractive couple bbbuuuutttt does anyone else remember when Kim looked like this...

I DO!!
All I'm saying is, why is it that its okay for him to 'wife up' someone who was in a sex video?? Like I said previously, I think Kim K. is cute and I've watched her reality show (Keeping Up With the Kardashian's: VH1) so I'm not hating on her nor do I want her man. We all know Reggie Bush is handsome and whatnot but I'm good, you got it. I just want to know when did it become acceptable for a girl to tape a sex video with anyone other than her husband?! When did it become the norm to exclusively and publicly (follow me) date someone where anyone with an hard-drive can see her f* some OTHER n***a??? And not to mention who else was in the video....sex (lol, no pun intended) Ray J being in ANYONE'S sex tape. Sex dating Ray J. It's a good thing you're pretty and you have something to 'fall back' on...(lol, again, no pun intended) because you could almost be wack just for f*n with Ray J alone.
You know what really 'Grinds My Gears' about this?? If I made a sex tape with someone I was dating who happened to be really wack and when we broke up he sold it, would you STILL date me?? What if I made a sex tape with some wack actresses wack little brother?? What if I made a sex tape with Taj Mowry? Would you date me then?

P.A. Brandy, I'm sorry for going in on your little brother =( Oh, and Tia and Tamara too.
What do you think??
you went in.
stop fronting about your tape with taj. lol. i would still love you.
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