this is the TRUTH.
"...Some people come in your life for a lifetime and some come for a season. You have to know which is which. And you are always going to mess up when you mix seasonal people up with lifetime expectations..."
I think this happens to alot of people. Seriously. It happens to all of us. We need to stop confusing seasonal people with lifetime expectations. After some reflections and thoughts I realized, there are so many seasonal people floating around here. And, I find myself, quite frankly getting upset or mad at people at my job, my school and even those who I call "friends". But I realized, those people are just SEASONAL. So why am I spending the time and energy to care about someone or something that is not going to matter in about 5 days, months or years??
Why are you getting so mad because so and so is not your man anymore? I know its alot harder than it sounds but get over it. It will hurt for a while, but move on. That person was in your life for just a season. Probably to teach you something, give you a lesson or for whatever purpose, everything happens for a reason. That seasonal person is probably reading this blog, still not even thinking about you.
Recently, my mother told me a few things I thought that I should share...
- don't love anyone more than you love yourself
- don't spend more time thinking, crying or being upset about a person more than they are
- don't allow yourself to be upset all day. Yes, it is okay to cry, but allow 5 minutes to be upset, get up then go on with the rest of your life. Sometimes the healing process is slow, but you'll get through it.
So, why are you getting so mad because so and so is not your friend anymore? Truth is, they probably never were to begin with. A close friend of mine (lol, no pun intended) always tells me that she doesn't categorize her friendships. She has no "close" friends or "best" friends, she just has friends. She doesn't consider everyone her friend, get it. So either you are her friend (i.e. me & Thickums) or you are just someone she "happens" to know. I feel her.
I was always told by my Aunt, that not everyone is your friend so pay close attention to who you surround yourself with. 'Tis true. Not everyone has your best interest at heart. Trust your instinct. If you feel like that person was not really your "friend" or that person was just a "seasonal" person, then odds are they were.
The sooner we all decipher who is seasonal and who is lifetime and stop confusing the two, the happier we will all be. Oh, and don't go around treating your lifetime people like they are seasonal. The people that truly love you and care about you can only take but so much garbage from you.
With that being said...go watch & take notes.
Its fall...a new season...lets see who is here for this one...